The challenge includes climbing a five-story tower while carrying a heavy hose, hoisting equipment, dragging a charged hose line, simulating forcible entry with a sledgehammer, and rescuing a life-sized 175-pound mannequin by dragging it to safety. Known as the “toughest two minutes in sports,” the Firefighter Combat Challenge pushes competitors to their limits, showcasing the critical skills and fitness required for the job.
Replicating a five-story building where water is needed at the top, the competitor must carry 42 lb. hose up six flights of stairs with 10 steps each level. When reaching the top, the competitor must place the hose in a container.
Immediately following the hose placement, the competitor must pull up a 42-pound hose roll to the top of the tower, using a hand-over motion pull.
Descending down the tower, touching the handrail and each step, the competitor hops on to the Keiser Force Machine, a forcible entry simulator, which takes a 9.5-pound shot mallet to an inserted beam that must be moved 5 ft.
Sprinting 140 feet, then hoisting a pressurized hose for 75 feet through swinging doors, the competitor must open the hose nozzle as the doors open, hitting a small target with the hose water.
The final event requires the competitor to pick a 175-pound mannequin from the ground beneath the arms and drag it backwards for 100 feet. Failure to do this exact motion or drag through the finish line will result in time penalty.
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