an ALLEAPS affiliate
We’re firefighters just like you. We are here to respond and help you deal with the physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and spiritual effects of job-related stresses. You are not alone! If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
The Dothan Fire Department is honored to be a member of the Alabama Law Enforcement Alliance for Peer Support (ALLEAPS).
ALLEAPS supports is program that supports and offers resources for all first responders who wants help in the following areas: 1. family issues (we have programs for spouses and families) 2. financial matters 3. suicide prevention, intervention, and follow-up 4. alcohol and/or substance abuse problems 5. spiritual issues 6. other personal concerns
We do this because it’s needed and it makes sense. We do this because we have seen it help other First Responders. We do this because it works! It’s no secret that the fire service places unique stressors on firefighters.
Despite low pay, long hours, and no “normal” life on holidays and weekends, we report for work as scheduled because there is always going to be medical emergencies, wrecks and fires. Only a firefighter understands that this is who we are, not just what we do. We really are 24/7. The bottom line is that what makes us good at our jobs can take its toll on the rest of our lives.
We’re taught to “keep it all in” from the first day at the academy, to protect our families, because society just doesn’t understand the our culture, and because it’s just not “firefighters” to show emotion.
Every day, firefighters face high stress events – situations which hold the potential to invoke unusually strong emotions which have the potential to interfere with our ability to function, either at the scene or later. Shootings, vehicle accidents, fires, seeing injured victims (especially children), deaths, suicides, sudden health problems, and the myriad of tragic events that we witness happening to others (and ourselves!) daily are all examples of critical incidents. But sometimes our “survival techniques” are self-destructive.
We’re first responders just like you. We’re here to respond and help you deal with the physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and spiritual effects of job-related stresses. You are not alone! If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
Statewide Peer Support Dispatch
In cooperation with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), the Alabama Law Enforcement Alliance for Peer Support (ALLEAPS) is pleased to announce the activation of a toll-free peer support telephone number. The call will be answered 24/7 365 days by ALEA Central Dispatch resulting in the activation of peer support personnel.
Since October 2017, ALEA and ALLEAPS have worked hand in hand to develop a quality peer support program with the goals of assisting law enforcement officers experiencing a personal and professional event. All peer support communication is privileged and confidential per Alabama Statue 36-21-14.
Secretary Taylor and his command staff have worked diligently with ALLEAPS to develop and provide peer support training both in the Trooper and SBI agent academies. The mutual goal is to set Alabama Peer Support as a Standard of Care for law enforcement officer peer support.
Statute 36-21-14; Alabama Rule 2018-416
With excitement we want to remind all Emergency Responders that the Peer Support Law provides all Emergency Responders with privileged and confidential communications when trained and appointed by their Chief/Sheriff as a Certified Peer Support Member.
The goal of Peer Support in Alabama is to make contact with an officer or an agency within thirty minutes of receiving the call. Should you or your agency need assistance, please call:
833 219-2461
Heath Carpenter, LT, SBI
LEAPS/ALEA State Coordinator
(334) 726-1980
Tim P. Faulk, PhD
LEAPS, Clinical Director
(334) 701-9624
Romans 13:4-5 (NLT)
4 The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing
wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you.
They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do
what is wrong. 5 So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment,
but also to keep a clear conscience.
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