Prepare Your Home, Protect Your Health, and Stay Safe!

As a storm approaches, it’s crucial to take action to protect yourself, your family, and your home health care needs. Here’s what you need to do to stay safe and prepared for an emergency.

1. Emergency Kit for Home Health Care

Ensure that you have everything you might need if you rely on home health care services or medical equipment.

· Medical Supplies:

o Prescription medications (at least a 7-day supply)

o Over-the-counter medications and first aid kit

o Inhalers, oxygen, and other necessary equipment

o Battery-powered or manual medical devices

o Contact your Home Health Care Provider and request additional supplies such as spare O2 tanks.

· Medical Records:

o Keep copies of your medical history, medications, and doctor contacts

· Power Backup:

o Ensure you have a battery backup or generator for medical devices that require electricity (e.g., oxygen machines, ventilators)

2. Ensure Adequate Communication

· Emergency Contacts:

o Update emergency contact information for your healthcare providers and family members.

o Share any special needs or medical information with EMS if necessary.

· Cell Phone & Charging:

o Fully charge all mobile devices, and have backup power sources available (such as portable chargers).

o Use text messaging or social media to stay updated in case phone lines are down.

3. Secure Your Home

· Protect the Windows and Doors:

o Cover windows with storm shutters or plywood.

o Ensure doors are securely fastened and check for leaks.

· Move Important Items:

o Move valuable and necessary medical equipment to safe, elevated areas to avoid water damage.

4. Plan for Emergency Evacuations

· Know Evacuation Routes:

o Identify the safest route to your local shelter or hospital.

· Transporting Equipment:

o If possible, arrange for transportation of any critical medical equipment to your evacuation location.

· Help for Mobility:

o Plan how to safely transport elderly or mobility-challenged individuals.

5. Stay Informed

· Monitor Weather Updates:

o Keep track of storm updates via radio, TV, or weather apps on your phone.

· Local EMS Updates:

o Stay connected to local EMS or community services for information about medical assistance or evacuation services.

6. Plan for Post-Storm Needs

· Restocking Medical Supplies:

o Check to make sure you have enough medical supplies and personal care items to last until services are restored.

· Emergency Medical Care:

o Be prepared to call for EMS assistance if medical emergencies arise, especially for home health care patients.

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